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25 Results Found for "83H"



As part of our commitment to ensuring an ethical, transparent and fair peer review process Sage has become a supporting member of ORCID®, the Open Researcher and Contributor ID.

Sage Product Training

The Sage training team creates and delivers bespoke online training designed to support library staff, faculty, researchers and students using Sage Learning Resources.

Aligned to specific training needs, our sessions provide a straightforward introduction to our resources and platforms, demonstrations of content and functionality, with guidance on using Sage resources to their full potential in teaching and research.




Pure Gold Open Access Journals

The following lists the pure gold open access journals published by Sage. All articles published in the journals provide worldwide, barrier-free access to the full-text of articles online, immediately on publication under a creative commons license. All articles are rigorously peer-reviewed retaining the quality hallmarks of the academic publishing process that authors would experience in publishing in any traditional Sage journal.

Using Sage Track’s Reviewer Locator

Reviewer Locator is Sage Track’s integrated reviewer recommender tool. Reviewer locator analyzes manuscript metadata and abstracts against papers indexed in the Web of Science to identify potential reviewers who have authored relevant research in the same field.
