Practical Solutions for Serious Problems in Standards-Based Grading
- Thomas R. Guskey - University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA
- Why is grading inconsistent across states and districts?
- Why do students' report card grades and classroom performance vary?
- How can teachers assign fair and accurate grades to students with special learning needs?
- How can educators assign fair and accurate grades to English Language Learners and effectively communicate the meaning of those grades to parents or guardians?
- What are the legal issues that influence grading and reporting policies in an era of high-stakes accountability?
"A very well-written, well-researched work with excellent documentation. It is obvious the contributors are experts and have the ability to communicate their expertise well."
"The book combines research, critical issues, and creative solutions in a concise and easy-to-read manner. While there is little doubt that educators today face a myriad of critical issues, this book allows educators to believe that they can be agents of change for students and for the profession."
"Anyone with authority and influence over student grading policies should read this book. Educators have to be courageous and confront the inherent problems of traditional grading practices that are not working and that are harmful to students. Doing so requires a proactive approach to problem solving, which this book exemplifies."
Didn't meet the needs of our current students.
Good book and used as a reference at this time