Cultivating a Math Coaching Practice
A Guide for K-8 Math Educators
Foreword by Deborah Schifter
Field-tested in a number of school districts nationwide, this concise guide presents authentic accounts of coaching practice, dilemmas, and insights. The cases, written by practicing math coaches, emphasize developing a deep understanding of mathematics, analyzing students' ideas and teachers' beliefs about learning, and cultivating teacher learning and growth. Amy Morse provides:
Math activities that strengthen a coach's math content knowledge
Planning activities to support thoughtful coach-teacher interactions
A detailed facilitator's guide for staff developers leading professional development opportunities for math coaches, providing a detailed agenda, specific examples of participants' questions, and facilitator responses
Cultivating a Math Coaching Practice gives math leaders the tools to help teachers create quality math programs and bolster student achievement.
“Written case studies of math coaching are essential tools to facilitate the professional development of our mathematics coaches who work hand-in-hand with over 200 schools in our district. We are pleased to have this book developed by Amy Morse and a cadre of math coaches to support our math leadership efforts.”
"This new resource draws on cases of coaching practice to provide grounded opportunities for communities of math coaches to strengthen their practice. It is an exciting and important resource for anyone responsible for the professional development of math coaches."
Sample Materials & Chapters
Chapter 1: Observing, Studying, Analyzing, Planning - Preparing to Coach