Beyond Cultural Imperialism
Globalization, Communication and the New International Order
- Peter Golding - Northumbria University, UK
- Phil Harris
Leading scholars from a range of fields bring different perspectives to bear on the role of the state, the range of culture beyond the media, the contribution of international organizations, and the potential for resistance and alternatives. They reflect on the `New World International Communications Order' as delineated since the 1970s, and examine its changing nature. Throughout, they connect analysis of the flows and forces which form the world media and communications with the fundamental themes of social science, and illuminate the ways in which underlying questions of inequality, power and control reappear within new media environments.
`Once one gets beyond the excellently provocative introductions.... a thoughtful reflection on the concept of the state in the context of post-colonial realities and a very uesful historical investigation of imperialism as cultural contact, which in a very timely way calls for the cross-fertilisaton of debates in international communiction by post-colonial studies, the remaining six chapters all analyse the hopes and failings of NWICO [New World Information and Communication Order] from a number of perspectives. These are very useful in their own right - what went wrong and how a new order might be activated' - Media Development