Eight Volume Set
Edited by:
- Stewart R Clegg - The University of Sydney
- Mark Haugaard - National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland, National University of Ireland, Ireland
April 2012 | 3 328 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Power theory, as a burgeoning field of study, has had, and continues to have, a huge impact across the social sciences. In particular, there has been considerable innovative work in the fields of organization studies and politics which in turn has fed research in a wide array of related fields, such as public administration, cultural studies, management and democratic theory. However, work on power is sprawling and seemingly eclectic - this Eight-Volume Set combines Power and Politics, along with the companion set Power and Organizations, to take stock of the theory by reviewing its foundations, current status and emerging new directions in both organization studies and political theory.
While there is evident synergy and cross-fertilization across the fields of organization studies and political theory, through the impact of work by figures such as Lukes, Bourdieu, Foucault, Haugaard, Clegg, Dean, Allen, and others there is sufficient distinction to warrant two separate but related collections.
This collection is also available in two separate major reference works:
Power and Politics, Four-Volume Set
Power and Organizations, Four-Volume Set
While there is evident synergy and cross-fertilization across the fields of organization studies and political theory, through the impact of work by figures such as Lukes, Bourdieu, Foucault, Haugaard, Clegg, Dean, Allen, and others there is sufficient distinction to warrant two separate but related collections.
This collection is also available in two separate major reference works:
Power and Politics, Four-Volume Set
Power and Organizations, Four-Volume Set
The Three-Dimensional Power Debate: Power Over as Domination
Robert Dahl
Nelson W. Polsby
Clarence Stone
Peter Bachrach and Morton Baratz
Raymond E. Wolfinger
Fredrick W. Frey
Raymond E. Wolfinger
Geoffrey Debenham
Peter Bachrach and Morton Baratz
Geoffrey Debnam
Alan Bradshaw
Steven Lukes
T. Benton
Barry Hindess
Peter Morriss
Power as Capacity for Action: Power to as Empowerment
Talcott Parsons
Anthony Giddens
Jurgen Habermas
Power and freedom
Philip Pettit
Peter Morriss
Analytic Approaches to Power:
Raymond Aron
Robert Dahl
Denis Wrong
Terence Ball
Keith Dowding
Stefano Guzzini
Mark Haugaard
Foucault and the Foucault Effect
Michel Foucault
Michel Foucault
Michel Foucault
Niklas Rose and Peter Miller
Mitchell Dean
Bent Flyvbjerg
Critique of Foucault and Foucauldian Analysis
Charles Taylor
Nancy Fraser
Michael Walzer
Hegemony, Ideology, Discourse
Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe
Aletta Norval
Cynthia Hardy, Ian Palmer and Nelson Phillips
Norman Fairclough
The British/US Power Perspectives and Foucauldian Analysis: Confrontations and Synthesis?
John O'Neill
Peter Digesser
Stewart Clegg
Clarissa Hayward
Mark Haugaard
Power and Structure: Agency and Constraint
Jeffrey C. Isaac
J. M. Barbalet
Pierre Bourdieu
Clarissa Hayward and Steven Lukes
Rob Stones
Power, Gender, Sexuality, Identity
Iris Marrion Young
Judith Butler
Nancy Fraser
Nancy Fraser
Amy Allen
Power in Critical Theory
Jurgen Habermas
Axel Honneth
Amy Allen
Saar Martin
Power, Culture and Status
Robert N. Bellah
Clifford Geertz
Jeffrey Alexander
Philip Smith
Power and International Politics
Ernest B. Haas
Kenneth N. Waltz
David A. Baldwin
Stephen D. Krasner
Joseph S. Nye
Stefano Guzzini
Michael Barnett and Raymond Duvall
Philip G. Cerny
Steven Lukes
Janice Bially Mattern
Mathematical and Rational Choice Models of Power:
L. S. Shapley and Martin Shubik
Machover Moshe and Dan S. Felsenthal
Brian Barry
Keith Dowding
Richard M. Emerson
James D. Thompson
Robert Dubin
Tom Burns
David Mechanic
D. J. Hickson et al
C. R. Hinings et al
Jeffrey Pfeffer and Gerald Salancik
Gerald Salancik and Jeffrey Pfeffer
Making power problematic
Stewart Ranson, Bob Hinings and Royston Greenwood
Henry Mintzberg
J. M. Barbalet
Stewart R. Clegg
Peter Digesser
Royston Greenwood and C. R. Hinings
Stewart R. Clegg
Cynthia Hardy and Stewart R. Clegg
Power and Discourse
Harvey L. Molotch and Deidre Boden
Stewart R. Clegg
Stewart R. Clegg et al
Ian Hacking
Dennis Mumby
Eero Vaara et al
Anne Warfield and Rawls and Gary David
Ray Gordon, Stewart R. Clegg and Martin Kornberger
Dalvir Samra-Fredericks
Power and Discipline
Bill Cooke
John O'Neill
S. Deetz
P. du Gay, P. and G. Salaman
Mark A. Covaleski et al
Mark Bahnisch
Thomas Thornborrow and Andrew Brown
Graham Sewell
Power at Work
Amanda Sinclair
Blake Ashforth
Alan Tuckman
Cynthia HardyCynthia and Leiba-O'Sullivan, Sharon. The Power Behind Empowerment: Implications For Research And Practice Rolland Munro
David M. Boje and Grace Ann Rosile
Raymond D. Gordon
David Knights and Hugh Willmott
James R. Barker
B. Townley
Darren McCabe
G. John Ikenberry and Charles A. Kupchan
David Courpasson
Patrick Dawson and David Buchanan
Mahmoud Ezzamel, Hugh Willmott and Frank Worthington
David Courpasson and Stewart R. Clegg
Power, Control and Strategy
Reinhard Bachmann
Sally Davenport and Shirley Leitch
Barbara Gray and Sonny S. Ariss
Cynthia Hardy
Maurice Zeitlin
Kenneth Mcneil
Robert C. Benfari, Harry E. Wilkinson and Charles D. Orth
Neil Fligstein
Cathy A. Enz
Gerlad F. Davis, Mina Yoo, and Wayne E. Baker
Neil Fligstein and Peter Brantley
William Ocasio
R. Marens