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'This is an excellent and easily accessible compendium of essential research techniques in the social sciences. It is a comprehensive introduction to the field of qualitative social research and a faithful companion during the first steps into empirical research'. Tino Mietz, Faculty of Humanities, Eberhard Karls Universitat Tubingen, Germany.
'Unlike other method texts, this one tells students in clear, readable language how to conduct research in the real world. Students will appreciate the global perspective and the intuitive organization of the book'. Leeda Copley, Department of Sociology, Gerontology and Substance Abuse Studies, University of Central Oklahoma, US.
'Researching Social Life remains the classic, essential guide to social research methods with updated and innovative chapters brought together by a superb team of editors and contributors'. Lisa Dikomitis, Department of Social Sciences, University of Hull, UK.
This text is recommended as an introduction for students who are new to social research,the structure, content and style are excellent. I particularly like how each section and chapter builds on the former creating cohesive thread. The content comprehensively covers the wide range of research methods that students might wish to use making links between quantitative and qualitative methods apparent. Furthermore I really like the way most chapters end with a project, allowing the reader to practice the aforementioned theory.
A useful text for students/researchers think of adopting participatory approaches or visual methodologies
This edition, once again, provides some excellent discussion of a wide range of topics. The presentation is student friendly with helpful recommended activities at the end of each chapter.
Appropriate as a supplementary text for a masters level course on digital research methods, demonstrating how longstanding research methods are relevant/have been affected by digital.
This is a good and comprehensive general research methods text book. It is one of the books that I use in developing lecture notes.
For Dissertation students, this is a very useful guide to social research methods, with additional online support and links. It helps students design their research, manage and analyse the data, and provides some useful guidelines on how to write up their research.
This is a useful guide to social research methods, which students in this Year 2 course will need for their work.
A useful addition to the range of methods texts recommended for our MA students doing our Qualitative Research methods module
Brilliantly written by all contributing authors, this wide-ranging book is one I recommend to all students writing BSc and MSc theses.
Extensive but highly relevant coverage. An interesting style of mixing instruction with critical engagement
Extensive coverage of approaches to research with useful overviews of a lot of different research methods. The book is well structured so students can find relevant information easily.
A very rich and complete book focused on how to conduct research in social science through quantitative as well as qualitative designs, approaches, and techniques. On-line resources for students (papers, links, glossary, and checklists for revisions) and lecturers (PowerPoint slides) easily available. Extensive relevant bibliography at the end of each chapter.
An excellent, approachable guide with sufficient depth to be a valuable resource at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
It is a good book that is relevant for students to understand how social life can be the scrutiny of research to social sciences. It is recommended to students as a good tool in their social research.
Detailed and straightforward with good comprehensiveness. Very student and other user friendly. Excellent
This is an updated edition of a staple text for PGR and PGT students undertaking qualitative research. Its comprehensive and introductory nature renders it relevant and useful.
A highly valuable stand-alone textbook, which has proved particularly useful for under-graduate students. Particularly valuable also for those students enrolled on social science programmes and as mature students can relate to some of the key sections of the book.