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So far in my studies this book has been very helpful during my research as it has covered the majority of areas in my course.
I like how the book is split into sections with the names of those who have written it as this makes it much easier when it comes to referencing. Having the glossary has also been very useful when looking for specific information.
I particularly found chapter 1 very useful and it gave me an idea of what my course would include, and it prepared me for what was ahead.
‘This book is a welcome addition to the growing scholarly publications about children in the Early Years. The case studies bring the subject matter to life. The points for reflection will help to develop the vital skill of reflective practice. I particularly enjoyed reading "upholding children's rights in early years settings. It was refreshing to see that the rights of babies are highlighted in the chapter.’
This is an invaluable addition to anyone’s early years library, with particular relevance for students (specifically those studying at levels four and five of their early childhood degrees) and tutors. The book covers key topics, such as children’s rights; the early years curriculum; how children learn and develop; health and wellbeing. It is a book that would thoroughly support any student making the transition to honours level study. There are some terrific little reflection activities aiming to implement good theory into practice in a helpful and purposeful way.
‘This book is essential reading for all involved in the study of early childhood, addressing key themes, ideas and topical debates relevant for early childhood students at undergraduate level. The Editors have provided a lucid, readable and clear contribution to our knowledge and understanding of early childhood.’
Recommended as a supplement when studying a Level 3 Diploma in Child Care and Education.
Well written, covering all essential subjects for the degree students
A good all round text book introducing major concepts and theories for those wishing to work with children in the Early Years
This text provides such a range of interesting chapters that would be relevant to any student studying early childhood.
This is great book for those who are interested in the foundations of early childhood. It can be an ideal textbook for students and tutors in the field and it is strongly recommended for university courses. It introduces all the most important aspects of early years care and education, and will help you develop the key skills needed to study at degree level. Importantly, it goes beyond theory and puts theoretical aspects and principles of early childhood into practice.
I have recommended this book to foundation degree students as one to purchase as it covers most topics they will study at level 4 and 5. The book is separated into useful parts with each chapter presenting useful reflection points. The first chapter "Studying for a degree" is really useful. I would recommend this book for level 4 and 5 - particularly students studying an early years foundation degree or children and young people foundation degree.
Very good, easy to read.
Fantastic, very relevant to the course I teach - have asked library to order copies for my students
This is a well-written and accessible book which is supported by an impressive companion website. The case studies which can be found throughout the book can be used to encourage either individual reflection or group discussion in a classroom environment. There are useful summaries of the main theoretical perspectives within developmental psychology in Chapters 5-7 and a clearly explained review of recent legislation relating to Early Years practice in Chapter 11. A book I would recommend to students wishing to progress to Higher Education to study Early Years.
Good supplementary text for our pre-reg students
This text comes highly recommended. It is an enjoyable and informative read that introduces the reader to a broad range of interesting theories and key concepts that are discussed and debated within the field of Early Childhood Studies. A great companion to have if you are embarking on a university course or are already studying within the field of Early Years Education and Care as the book also provides very useful tips and guidance on how to develop your research and writing skills.
Excellent resource for teaching in FE. Useful case studies to use when introducing a new subject to reinforce students learning.
This book underpins a lot of the content covered on the Foundation Degree in Early years, including Safeguarding Children, The Importance of Play, Observation, and Child Development. This is a recommended companion for students who study childhood at degree level.
This book is an essential read for an over text for any foundation degree course in early Years and is of value to both students and teaching staff for this purpose.
This book is set at exactly the correct level for the students enrolled onto Education Studies. This book will help them through this course and also be useful to them at University. It is well written and easy to follow, giving the student the chance to recap on the chapter they have read and test their own knowledge. The use of the Sage online resource site allows students to download charts etc rather than photocopying from the book.
Really good for the course, students are able to dip in and out of the book with ease.