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'Students find this book accessible and valuable for both undergraduate and postgraduate levels' -Lecturer's comments
Very useful for those doing modules linked to early years practice and provision.
Very suited to the course outline and practical
An excellent book for anyone studying a foundation degree in early childhood studies. The author offers an in-depth exploration on the impact of play on children's learning and development. Concepts of play are discussed in detail.
This book is easy to access and has an interesting mix of activities, case studies, diagrams and examples of children's work. It will be extremely useful for the Play, Learning and Development module.
An accesible book which gives a good underpinning to play and suporting it in the curriculum.
An excellent book which provides detail on play, the impact on learning and the relevance to early childhood curriculae. This book supports students who are exploring the issues of play, pitched at level 3 and beyond. Very informative and easy to read.
Comprehensive and timely book for all early years courses. Highly recommended.
A useful and up-to-date overview of one of the most important facets of early years learning.
This text would be useful within the module where Play is an essential part of the teaching.
Contemporary debates surrounding playful pedagogy and the early year’s curriculum are thoroughly discussed in the informative text. Excellent resource for truly understanding play. Highly recommended for undergraduate as well as postgraduate study.
The main emphasis of this book is play and this is a subject that students often feel that they know everything about - however this book opens up different concepts and ideas and will give real food for thought. I particularly like the 'activity' boxes
Excellent text for students and practitioners.
This is an excellent critical companion to playful pedagogy and the current curriculum. This text has encouraged much debate in the classroom and has been a source of thought provoking discussion.
An essential text for final year and post graduate students
Very useful and accessible text for students to help them to understand the place of play in the Early Years Curriculum.
A good source of information on what is often a popular and yet difficult topic for novice research students
This book helps sudents to understand the relationship between play, learning and development and pedagogy and the refelctive tasks maintain the students' interest levels.
An essential book for students on an Early Years FD course as it effectively links practice to theory and curriculum.
An excellent book providing a contempory view of play. The book will be useful for students within a variety of modules across the three year programme, so providing good value for money.