Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy
Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and MetallurgyPublishes scientific, engineering, and economic aspects of the preparation, separation, extraction, and purification of ores, metals, and mineral products.
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy is devoted to scientific, engineering, and economic aspects of the preparation, separation, extraction, and purification of ores, metals, and mineral products by both physical and chemical methods. Contributions on plant operation and techniques are encouraged, especially those bringing together scientific understanding of a process with its engineering and economic implications to generate conclusions of practical benefit. The journal also covers laboratory development of new processes and discussions of the industrial significance of laboratory scale investigations. The application of mineral processing and extractive metallurgical principles to the processing of wastes and the recycling of materials is also of interest.
Dr. R. V. Kumar | University of Cambridge, UK |
Associate Professor Seher Ata | University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia |
Professor S. Banisi | Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran |
P. N. Benkendorff | Benkeng Pty Ltd, Australia |
Professor Eduardo Brocchi | Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Professor G. Brooks | Swinburne University of Technology, Australia |
Dr J. H. Canterford | Process Technologies Australia Pty Ltd, Australia |
Professor W. Davenport | University of Arizona, USA |
Professor D. Dreisinger | University of British Columbia, Canada |
R. Dunne | Newmont Pty Ltd, Australia |
M. Dworzanowski | South Africa |
R. D. Elvish | Turramurra, Australia |
Dr. L. Ergun | Hacettepe University, Turkey |
Professor D. J. Fray | University of Cambridge, UK |
Dr. Y. Fukunaka | Kyoto University, Japan |
Professor A. M. Garbers-Craig | University of Pretoria, South Africa |
A. Gibbon | MIRO, UK |
Dr. C. K. Gupta | Bhaba Tomic Research Centre, India |
Professor P. C. Hayes | University of Queensland, Australia |
Professor Y. F. Hu | Central South University, China |
Professor A. Jha | University of Leeds, UK |
Dr. F. Kongoli | Flogen Technologies Inc., Canada |
Professor B. Mishra | Colarado School of Mines, USA |
Professor C. Pistorius | Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Professor M. Akbar Rhamdhani | Swinburne University of Technology, Australia |
Professor C. Samuelsson | Lulea University of Technology, Sweden |
Professor M. Sanchez | Universidad Andres Bello, Chile |
Professor C. Schwand | University of Nizwa, Oman and University of Cambridge, UK |
Professor S. Seetharaman | KTH, Sweden |
Dr N. Subasinghe | Curtin University of Technology, Australia |
Professor S. Subramanian | Indian Institute of Science, India |
Professor D. R. Swinbourne | RMIT University, Australia |
Dr. P. Taskinen | Aalto University, Finland |
Dr. M. Tyrer | MIRO, UK |
Professor N. N. Vishwanathan | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India |
Dr. N. J. Welham | Consultant, Australia |
Professor Wang Xidong | Peking University, China |
Professor D. Zhu | Central South University, China |
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