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Journal of English Linguistics

Journal of English Linguistics

Claudia Claridge University of Augsburg, Germany
David Bowie University of Alaska, Anchorage, USA

eISSN: 15525457 | ISSN: 00754242 | Current volume: 52 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

The Journal of English Linguistics is your premier resource for original linguistic research based on data drawn from the English language, encompassing a broad theoretical and methodological scope. Highlighting theoretically and technologically innovative scholarship, the Journal provides in-depth research and analysis in a variety of areas, including history of English, English grammar, corpus linguistics, sociolinguistics, and dialectology. The Journal also includes articles written on topics such as language contact, pidgins/creoles, and stylistics provided that one primary focus is the English language. Published four times a year, the Journal features studies at the very core of empirical English linguistics and studies that push the boundaries of English linguistics theoretically and methodologically.

Regular features include the following:

Articles... foundational research into English linguistics - with a strong focus on data-driven inductive studies as well as methodologically and theoretically innovative studies - tests hypotheses and breaks new ground in the field. Written in language that new readers will find accessible, articles provide insight that seasoned experts will find valuable.

Book Reviews... reviews of recently published works relating to linguistics, with a view to exploring and describing their relevance to the field in general and to English linguistics in particular.

Special Issues... topical issues focused on a particular topic, theoretical innovation, or methodology, including special issues on Language and Gender, African American English, Poetics, and Phenomena in the History of English.

Interviews with Leading Scholars... in each December issue, an in-depth conversation with a leading scholar in the field of English linguistics, including the scholar’s perspective on his or her own research and the field more generally.

“In the Profession” column… a regular column devoted to professional issues in the field, of interest to newer scholars in the field as well as to established experts.

Exploring a diverse range of topics, the Journal of English Linguistics examines all aspects of empirical linguistics of the English language. From innovative and seminal scholarship to studies that define the very foundation of empirical linguistics, subjects you can expect to find in the journal include: language change word origins status of modern or historical varieties emerging computer methods and new quantitative methods descriptions of English grammatical structures based on intensive review of evidence synchronic and diachronic studies of Old and Middle English gender issues in language relationships between dialectology and sociolinguistics language contact, pidgins/creoles and stylistics.

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Journal of English Linguistics: The Editor invites submissions on the modern and historical periods of the English language. JEngL normally publishes synchronic and diachronic studies on subjects from Old and Middle English to modern English grammar, corpus linguistics, and dialectology. Other topics such as language contact, pidgins/creoles, or stylistics, are acceptable if the article focuses on the English language. Articless normally range from ten to twenty-five pages in typescript. JEngL reviews titles in general and historical linguistics, language variation, socio-linguistics, and dialectology for an international audience. Unsolicited reviews cannot be considered. Books for review and correspondence regarding reviews should be sent to the Editor.

David Bowie University of Alaska, Anchorage, USA
Claudia Claridge University of Augsburg, Germany
Review Editor
Maeve Eberhardt University of Vermont, USA
Editorial Assistant
Ashe Olson University of Alaska Anchorage, USA
Senior Consulting Editors
Peter Grund Yale University, USA
Alexandra D'Arcy University of Victoria, Canada
Anne Curzan University of Michigan, USA
Matthew Gordon University of Missouri, USA
William A. Kretzschmar, Jr. University of Georgia, USA
Charles F. Meyer University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA
Robin Queen University of Michigan, USA
Editorial Board Members
Elzbieta Adamczyk University of Wuppertal, Germany
Michael Adams Indiana University, USA
Laurel Brinton The University of British Columbia, Canada
Hendrik De Smet KU Leuven, Belgium
Derek Denis University of Toronto, Canada
Charlie Farrington Virginia Tech, USA
Sebastian Hoffman University of Trier, Germany
Anne C. Hudley Stanford University, USA
María José López-Couso University of Santiago De Compostela, Spain
Christian Mair University of Freiburg, Germany
Edgar W. Schneider Universitat Regensburg (Germany)
Devyani Sharma Queen Mary University of London, UK
Rebecca Lurie Starr National University of Singapore, Singapore
Benedikt Szmrecsanyi KU Leuven, Belgium
Elizabeth Traugott Stanford University, USA
Xinyue Yao Renmin University, China
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  • Corporate ResourceNET - Ebsco
  • Current Citations Express
  • EBSCO: Humanities International Complete
  • FRANCIS Database
  • Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique
  • MLA International Bibliography
  • ProQuest: Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
  • Standard Periodical Directory (SPD)
  • TOPICsearch - Ebsco
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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