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Some subscription journals charge authors page or publication charges to publish their article. There has been ambiguity when an article, from one of these journals, has any of these associated costs as well as open access (OA) as to what should be charged. Therefore, Sage is clarifying its policy on the subject (July 2022).
There are two ways an article in a subscription journal can publish OA, one is through requesting to publish your article OA, this is called Sage Choice, or the article may have been identified as part of one of our Open Access Sales Deals (OASD).
SAGE is dedicated to developing textbooks that support students’ learning as well as lecturers’ teaching and are proud to publish key textbooks by leading figures in the field covering core topics such as health promotion, public health and research methods.
We also publish over 100 highly-read and cited journals (to support academics, students and researchers) in the health and nursing discipline, with titles such as Health Promotion Practice, Perspectives in Public Health, Global Health Promotion and Health Education Behaviour.
What are Plain Language Summaries of Publications (PLS-Ps)?
SAGE Publishingtoday announces that it is to begin publishing Public Health Reports (PHR) in partnership with the US Public Health Service and the U.S. Surgeon General. Published in collaboration with the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH), PHR has been a resource for the public health community since 1878 and is dedicated to public health practice, research, viewpoints, and commentaries.
Community colleges have become essential in the training of frontline health care professionals, yet little research studies their growth. A new study examines surveys of community college leaders and finds that community colleges must create close connections with community partners in order to provide successful training and employment opportunities for their public health students.
Adam Matthew are enabling free public access for one month to their innovative ‘Energy Data Visualisation Tool’, which uses the latest web-based information visualization techniques to represent a vast array of data on global energy use. Users will be able to access global energy reserves, production and consumption data and explore the huge growth in renewables between 1965 and 2012.
While Chinese dishes are known to have one of the highest salt contents of all food categories, new research finds that a cooking training for Chinese take-out chefs and restaurant owners can result in substantial reductions in sodium in the foods they serve with no substantial loss of taste. This study was published today in Public Health Reports.
Los Angeles, CA - SAGE and the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) announce today the launch of a new journal, Pedagogy in Health Promotion: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (PHP). PHP will publish its first issue in 2015.
Los Angeles, CA - SAGE and the Canadian College of Health Leaders are pleased to announce that SAGE will begin publishing the College’s journal, Healthcare Management Forum (HMF), with the first edition in January 2015.
The journal publishes articles on leading practices related to health leadership and management, including recent research, new technology and professional practices from health leaders' perspectives.