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Promoting Positive Behaviors

Promoting Positive Behaviors
An Elementary Principal’s Guide to Structuring the Learning Environment

Foreword by Gail Connelly, Executive Director of NAESP

February 2008 | 136 pages | Corwin
This handbook for headteachers provides practical ideas and recommendations that affirm best practices and help teachers create a safe and clear structure for students inside and outside the classroom. The author demonstrates how to reduce schoolwide management problems and increase student achievement by establishing order through good planning and anticipating potential disruptions. Readers will find procedures for everything from establishing a daily schedule and making morning announcements to monitoring behaviors for field trips and assemblies.

This comprehensive resource also includes recommendations for revitalizing instruction by:

- Supervising the morning playground -Communicating expectations to students -Using student incentives and recognitions -Building relationships with parents -Establishing a student council, and more

Forward by Gail Connelly, Executive Director of NAESP
About the Author
Purpose of This Book

Overview of the Contents

1. Beginnings: The Day and the Year

Plan for Effective Morning Playground Supervision

Allow Recess in the Morning

Form a Safety Patrol

Teach Expectations to Students While Lining Up After the Bell Sounds

Build Relationships With Parents

Teach Children to Move Quietly Through the Hallways

Lock the Doors

Structure Homeroom Activities

Provide Universal Breakfast in the Classroom

Make Morning Accouncements

Check Bookbags and Homework Planners

Do the Shirts and the Pants Touch?

No Talking During Emergency Drills

Establish a Student Council

Establish Student Incentives and Recognitions

Empower Staff to Develop Schedules

Learn All Students' Names

Establish an Effective Intervention Assistance Process

Structure Effective Meetings

Check Mail and Messages at Least Three Times Daily

Establish the Schedule and Goals for the Day

Concluding Thoughts

Explanation of the Structural Analysis & Assessment Checklists

Checklist #1: Beginnings: Structural Analysis and Assessment

2. Early Focus on Learning and Instruction

Escort Students to and From Special Classes

Establish Procedures for Restroom Breaks

Practice Entering and Leaving Assemblies

Develop a Substitute Handbook

Time on Task

Establish Inclusion Practices

Establish Procedures for Referring Students to the Office

Fully Utilize Volunteer Services

Teach a Code of Conduct

Common, Grade-Level Planning Increases Student Achievement

Concluding Thoughts

Checklist #2: Learning and Instruction: Structural Analysis and Assessment

3. Midpoints of the Day or Year

Equip Yourself for Playground Supervision

Teach Manners and Hygiene

Facilitate Efficient Food Serving Lines

Schedule Recess First, Eat Afterwards

Speak With Inside Voices

Practice Forming Lines

Structure Playground Games

Monitor Students' Behavior and Eating Habits

Establish Procedures for Indoor Recess Supervision

Take Pictures and Use Recorders

Establish Contingency Plans for Crisis Supervision

Teach Children to Speak in Complete Sentences

Develop a Conflict Mediation Program

Concluding Thoughts

Checklist #3: Midpoints: Structural Analysis and Assessment

4. The Second Half of the Day or Year

Reading Can Be Taught After Lunch

Create an "Adam Plan"

Supervise Student Suspensions

Write Notes and Return Phone Calls

Teach Multiple Intelligences

Show Evidence of Student Learning

Allow Children to Draw

Serve Fruit and Vegetable Afternoon Snacks

Don't Get Tired and Let Down Your Guard

Give Attention to Customer Service

Eliminate Loitering in the Hallways and Office

Utilize Homework Planners

Communicate With Parents

Concluding Thoughts

Checklist #4: The Second Half: Structural Analysis and Assessment

5. Endings: Dismissal and Wrap-up of the Year

Monitor Bus Pickup and Drop-Off Locations

Ride School Buses

Delineate Walking Students From Parent Pickups, Bus Riders, and Others

Walk Students Home

Share Positives With Parents

How Effective are Detentions?

Eliminate Clutter Throughout the Campus

Establish Curb Appeal

Eliminate Gum

Prepare the Classroom for Custodian Cleaning

Establish Procedures for Determining Student Classroom Placements

Reflect and Take Action on Important Issues

Be a Master Motivator

Coordinate Learning Opportunities With the Afterschool Program

Concluding Thoughts

Checklist #5: Endings Dismissal and Wrap-up of the Year: Structural Analysis and Assessment

Summary Comments
Recommended Readings

"Paul Young identifies key elements of school structure that every principal and staff must have in place before strides in student achievement and parent engagement can be fully realized."

Bonnie Tryon, President
School Administrators Association of New York State

"Young shares practical ideas that can be implemented in rural, suburban, or urban schools to impact school climate, staff morale, and student achievement. This volume should be in every elementary school principal’s professional library."

Mary Grant, Principal, Takoma Educational Center
Past President, District of Columbia Association of Elementary School Principals

"This book addresses the many benefits of a well-structured school and provides educators with valuable lessons to identify, understand, and capitalize on their strengths to positively shape school structure and improve teaching and learning."

From the Foreword by Gail Connelly, Executive Director of NAESP

"Offers examples from the author's experience as a successful elementary school principal and tips for overall school and student management."

The Bookwatch, June 2008
Midwest Book Review

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ISBN: 9781412953047
ISBN: 9781412953030