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Global Shift

Global Shift
Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy

Seventh Edition
Additional resources:

December 2014 | 648 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Global Shift is - quite simply - the definitive work on economic globalization. The extensive use of graphics, lack of jargon, and clear definition of terms has made it the standard work for the social sciences.

The Seventh Edition has been completely updated using the latest available sources. It maps the changing centres of gravity of the global economy and explains the global financial crisis. Each chapter has been extensively rewritten and new material introduced to explain the most recent empirical developments; ideas on production, distribution, consumption; and corporate governance. Global Shift provides:

  • The most comprehensive and up-to-date explanation of economic globalization available, examining the role of transnational corporations, states, labour, consumers, organizations in civil society, and the power relations between them.
  • A clear guide to how the global economy is being transformed through the operation of global production networks involving transnational corporations, states, interest groups and technology.
  • Extended discussion of problems and institutions of global governance in the context of the global economic crisis and of the role of corporate social responsibility.
  • A suite of extensive online ancillaries for both students and lecturers, including author videos, case studies, lecture notes, and free access to specially selected journal articles related to each chapter. 

There is only one definitive guide to economic globalization for the social sciences: and that's Peter Dicken's Global Shift.

What in the World Is Going On?
Part I: The Changing Contours of the Global Economy
The Centre of Gravity Shifts: Transforming the Geographies of the Global Economy
Part II: Processes of Global Shift
Tangled Webs: Unravelling Complexity in the Global Economy
Technological Change: ‘Gales of Creative Destruction’
Transnational Corporations: The Primary Movers and Shapers of the Global Economy
The State Really Does Matter
Part III: Winning and Losing in the Global Economy
The Uneasy Relationship between TNCs and States: Dynamics of Conflict and Collaboration
'Capturing Value' within Global Production Networks
'Destroying Value'? Environmental Impacts of Global Production Networks
Winning and Losing: Where You Live Really Matters
Making the World a Better Place
Part IV: The Picture in Different Sectors
'Making Holes in the Ground': The Extractive Industries
'We Are What We Eat': The Agro-Food Industries
'Fabric-ating Fashion': The Clothing Industries
'Wheels of Change': The Automobile Industry
'Making the World Go Round': Advanced Business Services
'Making the Connections, Moving the Goods': Logistics and Distribution Services


Dicken Video - Introduction
Watch Peter Dicken introduce the 7th edition of Global Shift

Very good book that can be used as recommended reading in various modules

Dr Alexandros Psychogios
Hull University Business School, The University of Hull
March 31, 2015

The strength of Global Shift lies in its telling examples of consumerism and the changing evaluation of trade and organisations. It is a very high quality economic textbook.

Mr Matt Kirby
Performance, University College Falmouth
March 17, 2015

With this 7th edition, the author is at the very front of this field. It takes the reader into new approaches to think critically about current global organisational issues. Packed with cases it is compelling reading.

Mr Matt Kirby
Performance, University College Falmouth
March 12, 2015

an excellent new update of a leading textbook

Mr Richard Kotter
Geography & Environmental Management, Northumbria University
February 23, 2015

Wonderful account of globalization with an emphasis on the economy

Mr David James
Sociology , University Campus Suffolk
February 17, 2015

Excellent textbook will be adopting this in the class from Feb 2015 for the MSc Issues in the Global Economy course.

Mr Bruce Gahir
School of Business, Prague
January 22, 2015

Spanish version:
Utilizo el texto para mis clases de Geografía Económica desde su tercera edición. Me he sentido identificada con los principios y el enfoque de su autor, que le llevan a dar cuenta de forma sistemática y exhaustiva de las cuestiones pertinentes proporcionando al mismo tiempo a los lectores un marco de referencia teórico-político que les permite interpretar las dinámicas temporales y espaciales correspondientes. Como usuaria asidua del texto valoro, tanto en la séptima edición como en las precedentes, la cobertura temática, la actualización constante, la claridad expositiva y el carácter didáctico, bien reflejado en la cantidad y calidad de los esquemas, mapas y tablas. También me parece muy valiosa la calidad, diversidad y novedad de las fuentes manejadas, que lo sitúan –a pesar de su carácter escolar- en la vanguardia del conocimiento. En suma es un manual de plenas garantías para los profesores, porque no desfallece ni decepciona en ninguno de sus capítulos. A los estudiantes, por su parte les resulta muy atractivo encontrar en un libro de texto elementos que ayudan a dar sentido a los acontecimientos y procesos de los que son testigos. Mi valoración es especialmente positiva en relación con el sentido crítico que impregna toda la obra, como no podía ser menos dada la realidad compleja y desigual que en ella se muestra. En esta línea entiendo que el cambio estructural llevado a cabo en la séptima edición no es un acierto. Desde mi punto de vista el actual bloque III y su capítulo 11 son un mejor final para una obra que debe acabar “volviendo a lo general” para justificar de ese modo su llamamiento a un mundo futuro mejor.

English version
I use this text for my courses of Economic Geography from its third edition. I feel myself identified with the principles and approach of the author, which lead him to discuss in a systematic and comprehensive way the relevant issues while providing the readers with a theoretical-political reference framework to interpret the temporal and spatial dynamics. I appreciate, both in the seventh edition as in the preceding ones, the thematic coverage, the constant updating or the clarity and didactic quality of the explanations and the collection of diagrams, maps and tables. I also find very valuable the quality, diversity and novelty of the sources, which place many chapters of this textbook at the forefront of the knowledge. In short it is a text full guaranteed for teachers, because it does not fail in any of its chapters. Students, meanwhile, find in this textbook elements that help them to make sense of the contemporary events and processes that shape their lifes. My assessment is particularly positive regarding the critical sense that permeates the entire work, as one would expect given the complex and uneven reality that it is displayed. Therefore I dare to disagree of the structural change carried out in the seventh edition. From my point of view the general perspective and the call for a better world provided within the current block III and Chapter 11, are a better ending.

Dr Ana Isabel Escalona-Orcao
Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio, Universidad de Zaragoza
January 16, 2015

This book gives a great overview over current global economic developments that cannot be found in any other book. It is well written and has lots of interesting illustrations. This book is, without any doubt, a must for my students.

Professor Sebastian Henn
Department of Geography, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
October 26, 2015

Sample Materials & Chapters

Peter Dicken, Global Shift Ch2

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