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100 Frequently Asked Questions About the Special Education Process

100 Frequently Asked Questions About the Special Education Process
A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators

May 2007 | 136 pages | Corwin
The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Special Education provides the answers that educators always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask. Written in a practical, jargon-free format, this guide discusses relevant information about: The pre-referral processIndividual Education Programs (IEP)Eligibility for special educationProcedural safeguardsAnnual reviews and evaluationsTransitions from school to adult lifeA useful glossary of terms makes the complex language of special education more accessible for educators teaching students with disabilities.
About the Authors
Introduction: Understanding Special Education Jargon
Steps in the Special Education Process
1. Step I: The Pre-Referral Process
2. Step II: Initial Referral for Special Education Services
3. Step III: The Individual Evaluation Process for Special Education
4. Step IV: Eligibility for Special Education
5. Step V: Procedural Safeguards Under IDEA
6. Step VI: IEP Development
7. Step VII: Annual Review
8. Step VIII: The Triennial Evaluation
9. Step IX: Transitional Services From School Age to Adult Life
References and Suggested Readings

"This book will make a great contribution to special education."

Colleen Winkler, Gifted & Talented Education Teacher
Riverdale High School, Jefferson, LA

"As a non-special education teacher, I find that this book provides a concrete explanation of complex terms."

Kaycee Taylor, Social Studies Teacher
Bainbridge Island High School, WA

Sample Materials & Chapters

Intro & Ch. 1

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781412917902