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Applying Research

Applying Research

Edited by:

September 2018 | 856 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Applying Research is the only book you will need for your 1st year Key Skills/ Research Methods module at the University of Lincoln. It has been compiled in consultation with the module leader and it contains all the content that is directly relevant to the course, saving you time and money on obtaining multiple texts.
Skoczylis, J.
Editor's Note
Week 1: The Nature and Process of Social Research
Braun, V. & Clarke, V.
Some Very Important Starting Information
Braun, V. & Clarke, V.
Ten Fundamentals of Qualitative Research
Silverman, D.
What is Qualitative Research?
Week 2: Searching for Sources and Referencing
Gray, D. E.
Searching, Critically Reviewing and Using the Literature
Jesson, J., Matheson, L. & Lacey, F.
Searching for Information
Walliman, N.
Concepts, Language and Argument
Week 3: Reading Critically and Writing a Literature Review
Jesson, J., Matheson, L. & Lacey, F.
Reading Skills
Jesson, J., Matheson, L. & Lacey, F.
The Traditional Review
Jesson, J., Matheson, L. & Lacey, F.
Writing up your Review
Walliman, N.
Information, and How to Deal With It
Week 4: Research Ethics
Gray, D. E.
Research Ethics
Ali, S. & Kelly, M.
Ethics and Social Research
Week 5: Developing your Research Question, Design and Methodology
Gray, D. E.
Selecting and Planning Research Proposals and Projects
Gray, D. E.
Research Design: Qualitative Methods
Gray, D. E.
Theoretical Perspectives and Research Methodologies
Week 6: Using Interviews and Focus Groups in Research
Silverman, D.
Focus Groups
Braun, V. & Clarke, V.
Interactive Data Collection 1: Interviews
Mason, J.
Making Convincing Arguments With Qualitative Data
Week 7: Writing Your First Assignment
Gray, D. E.
Writing up the Research
Gilbert, N. & Stoneman, P.
Writing about Social Research
Week 8: Using Ethnography in Research
Gray, D. E.
Ethnography and Participant Research
Walsh, D. & Seale, C.
Doing Ethnography
Week 9: Thematic Analysis
Nowell, L. S., Norris, J. M., White, D. E. & Moules, N. J.
Thematic Analysis: Striving to Meet the Trustworthiness Criteria
Braun, V. & Clarke, V.
First Analytical Steps: Familiarisation and Data Coding
Braun, V. & Clarke, V.
Identify Patterns Across Data
Week 10: Using Documentary Data in Research
Gray, D. E.
Secondary Data and Research
Silverman, D.
Week 11: Using Discourse Analysis
Silverman, D.
Naturally Occurring Talk
Tonkiss, F.
Discourse Analysis
Week 12: Writing up Qualitative Research
Gray, D. E.
Writing up the Research
Silverman, D.
The Potential of Qualitative Research: Eight Reminders
Gray, D. E.
Mason, J.

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781526468598