An Introduction to Early Childhood
- Tim Waller
- Geraldine Davis - Anglia Ruskin University, UK
Put together by an outstanding author team, including many authors from the University of Northampton, An Introduction to Early Childhood is a much loved book that helps you explore all the major themes in early years education and care, while providing you with real insight into the changing world of early childhood.
To further support your study, this edition has been expanded to include five new chapters including The History of Childhood, Play and Creativity, Children and the Media, Leadership and Management, and Reflective Practice.
This book further supports your study with outstanding learning features including:
· Chapter objectives and introduction immediately introduce you to chapter concepts saving you time
· More case studies provide deeper insight into how theory works in practice
· Research in context boxes show how recent research is changing the world of early years
· Reflective questions encourage you to think like a reflective practitioner
· Chapter summaries aid your revision by recapping core concepts covered in each chapter
· Further reading and recommended websites direct you to additional resources to further support your study.
This book also comes with a new companion website with access a wealth of additional resources including:
- Child Observation Videos give students a peek into a real Early Years settings and insight into child behaviour. These track particular children at different stages in their development, showing videos of the children 12 months apart in order to observe their development. Great basis for seminar discussions and student assignments.
- Employability podcasts providing hints and tips about going on your first placement and getting your first job
- Podcasts from chapter authors providing deeper insight into key topics
- Free SAGE Journal Articles to deepen students' understanding on core topics
- Web links directing to useful websites for further study and support in practice.
Want to learn even more about Early Childhood?
Visit to access a wealth of additional resources including:
Podcasts from chapter authors providing deeper insight into key topics
Employability podcasts providing hints and tips about going on your first placement and getting your first job.
Child Observation Videos give you peak into a real Early Years setting and insight into child behaviour.
Selected SAGE Journal Articles to deepen your understanding on core topics.
Web links direct you to useful websites to further your study and support you in practice.
This is an excellent textbook for foundation degrees and teacher training or those working towards EYPS. the supplementary online materials are an additional bonus and ensures learning of key components is accessible to all whilst also providing extra materials to consolidate learning. This is a diverse text covering key aspects of practice that are essential foundations to working with young children.
A useful introductory text which prompts the reader to reflect on some of the key themes in the world of early childhood.
This is an excellent resource for learners starting out in childcare. It provides an brilliant foundation for the learner.
Really informative book and extra links with video and podcasts great for students and in class
This is an attractively-presented book. It does reasonably well at presenting a broad overview of policy linked to 'service' provision in England. However it is not detailed enough on practice issues to be particularly useful on a social work course except as broad introductory material.
A wide-ranging and useful text, clearly written and accessible.
This is an excellent resource for learners starting out in childcare. It provides an brilliant foundation for the learner.
The breadth of topics covered in this book makes it ideal as supplementary reading for undergraduates embarking on the Early Years Teacher training course. It will provide those who are entering the profession, with an introduction to the context and history of early childhood and offers an overview of relevant topics that will be covered in the course.
A really useful book for all child care students to refer to
A really useful book for chidcare students to refer to
Sample Materials & Chapters
Chapter Two: Modern Childhoods: Contemporary Theories and Children's Lives