Succeeding in Essays, Exams and OSCEs for Nursing Students
This book helps nursing students better understand the processes of assessment so that every student can achieve their potential in their studies. It looks at each of the major forms of assessment including essays, exams, portfolios, presentations, OSCEs and practice assessments. It specifically addresses the needs of nursing students on new degree courses and therefore gives a clear insight on how to succeed as a student nurse.
Recommended for those students who require some extra help when writing essays and sitting exams. The students have found it very useful and easy to follow.
This is a most useful text for students preparing for thier nursing assessments which takes away the mystery and provides clear guidance.
There are several books on this topic so it is useful to dip into different ones to get a variety of ideas
This is a good user friendly book for suitable for JF students.
Good for pre-registration nursing students
A good text for those students struggling with the change to academic writing.
Although the course is for foundation degree students, they undertake similar assessments to student nurses and so the book is highly applicable. Many also go on to complete the pre-reg nursing course.
Very good as an aid to coaching students on the course in preparation for assessment. Some good tips for students to adopt to succeed.
Handy book to have -as we do not use OSCEs that much in our university this book is not relevant. However, gives ckear instructions for essays
Nice book for students who want to get the most out of their study efforts