Reflective Practice for Teachers
- Maura Sellars - The University of Newcastle, Australia
Reflective Practice for Teachers explores a range of key issues that you will need to engage with during your teacher preparation and early career in the classroom in order to deepen your understanding of teaching practice. Case studies and ‘What does this mean for you?’ boxes in every chapter take ideas from research and show how they can apply to the real world of teaching.
This second edition has been updated with:
- a new chapter on assessment
- extended discussion of metacognition in the classroom
- critical perspective on what we really know about brain-based learning
- further coverage models of reflective practice
The revised Reflective practice for teachers will be valuable resource for final year preservice teachers. It brings together 12 key topics for discussion in a highly accessible format. The updated materials and thoughtful provocations are well designed to help final year preservice teachers to reflect on several levels in their own journey to becoming a teacher. The scenarios in this book provide excellent conversation starters in seminars and it is great to see more of these in the new edition.
This is an updated edition of a book first published in 2013. It has been updated with a new chapter on assessment, to ensure compliance with the recent changes; extended discussion of metacognition in the classroom - a topic that has become increasingly to the fore recently; a critical perspective on what we really know about brain-based learning and further coverage models of reflective practice. It is a practical and thought-provoking book which will help teachers reflect on their own teaching methods and make improvements based on what they discover about themselves. Teachers can never sit back and stop making progress, and this book will encourage continued professional development for all teachers, new and experienced.
Reflective Practice for Teachers by Maura Sellars provides a deep look at reflective practice and helps readers understand how it can strengthen your teaching... Sellars’ approach assumes little prior knowledge, but her tone and style also make this informative and affirming for experienced educators. Her use of current and established research also makes this a great resource for school and district leaders who work with teachers to build reflective practice.
I really liked this book and have found it an interesting read professionally - I would have found a book like this very helpful at the start of my career.
This book is well written and laid out. It outlines the main concepts, knowledge and understanding of reflective practice and is a useful text for the undergraduate student teacher to help them improve their practice.
Koffemann talks about the "learning curve" for teachers being the first five years of practice and the difference between the teacher who learns and the one who does not is the ability to engage in reflective practice. This should be at the heart of all teacher practice. This new book from Sellars gives support, theory and practical ideas on reflection and reflective practice and will be useful for the beginning teachers, and to refresh the minds of the more experienced.