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`As a whole, the book is a useful compilation of rigorous academics papers. The contributions by the editor have woven these into an organic whole, rather than being a conglomerate of uncorrelated works on a common theme' - K B S Sidhu, The Tribune
I will use this book as a recommended reading for my Global Studies undergrad course. The book provides a collection of papers which focus on key issues relating to globalisation and Development Studies and the inter-relationships which exist. I think that the chapter highlight important issues within Global Studies discourse and provide students with a sound understanding of the challenges at hand. Although the book was published in 2001, the topics dealt with are still relevant and important for contemporary discourse regarding global development.
A good text.
A good read.
A very topical, interesting and visionary book that links development with globalisation issues. Its multidisciplinary approach makes this a very useful book for the reader seeking an understanding of this growing area of interest.