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A significant effort has been made to present a detailed, contemporary overview of designing and conducting social research. The author goes beyond the usual content covered in this type of textbook, by elaborating on worldview methodological approaches to research.
This continues to be a stand-out resource for students who are undertaking their first social research project, and this edition brings many welcome updates. Particularly welcome are the strengthening of the section on ethics, and the integration of online and digital research throughout the text.
This is a really useful and comprehensive resource for all researchers.
This book offers a solid grounding for research projects enabling insight into the what, when and why questions. Chapters provoke engagement with methods, reasoning and analysis so that those undertaking research find their own starting point and positionality.
A useful and easy to read book about research methods, giving students a clear introduction to research methodology.
Essential reading from BA level to PhD. Useful chapters that break down a research project into digestible pieces, making it easy to pick up and put down over a period of time without forgetting the information.
Moved to a new university. Will consider adoption on courses there as the content was relevant and accessible.
A useful introduction to research methodology, including a raft of useful online resources for both students and staff
Very useful guide - will use with 4th yr and Masters students
Comprehensive, educative, easy to read and to overview.
a very good update to this classic text on methodologies, useful to undergraduate and postgraduate students alike.
A classic text - very user-friendly.
Flick is such a great author for anyone starting out on their research journey
The book offers a comprehensive introduction to research methodology