Managing Change in Healthcare
Using Action Research
- Paul Parkin - Brunel University, UK
Keith Hurst, Leeds University
The management of change in the context of new policy directives and agendas is a critical issue for healthcare practitioners. All professionals - not just managers - need to develop and implement new services designed to bring patients into the centre of healthcare delivery. This book looks at the leadership, management and interpersonal skills needed to manage such change effectively within multiprofessional healthcare settings. The book:
- Uniquely uses Action Research as a model for planning and implementing change at the patient-service interface.
- Makes use of evidence and case studies to demonstrate the stages of the change process.
- Includes advice and useful strategies for achieving change.
- Shows dynamic change can be achieved at the individual, team, departmental and organisational level.
- Covers a range of topics including organisational culture; leadership; conflict resolution; managerial roles; and organisational analysis.
Managing Change in Healthcare will be ideal for all nursing and allied health care trainees taking courses in management and leadership. It will also be invaluable for qualified professionals and managers who need a clear and engaging guide to the key issues and skills underpinning effective healthcare management.
A well written book and very readable. Would suggest that this is more suitable for final year degree or post-graduate studies where a base level of understanding is in place to really benefit from this text.
Recommended for Masters students as the depth is of the right level.
This book is easy to follow and not too complex. I would therefore recommend it to any pre registration student on a healthcare course, especially those undertaking a leadership and management module
A good well detailed book about the management of change which demonstrates application of change theories and leadership. This would be a recommended text for students at post graduate level or undergraduates who are exploring this issue in greater depth in their final level of study.
A good text which will be added to our post-registration BSc nursing programme resources and added to the reading list within the Post-graduate prospectus.
I think this book will be useful for students, particularly the latter chapters. the information on the management and history of the NHS is useful, but not essential to their program of study, so it will be recommended but not esential.
A well structured text that provides a useful background and insight into managing change in the complex world of healthcare (NHS).
Gillie Bolton's text is an accessible read that helps guide practitioners through the challenging world of reflective practice. This new edition is supported by a number of practical examples from practitioners.
Very useful to those students using an action research cycle to audit their practice from non prescriber to prescriber
An informative book very relevant for management in healthcare. There are some good examples of projects using action research which allows the student to have an awareness in how to manage change processess