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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment

Published in Association with Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Other Titles in:
Maritime Engineering

eISSN: 20413084 | ISSN: 14750902 | Current volume: 239 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Quarterly

The Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment is concerned with the design, production and operation of engineering artefacts for the maritime environment. The journal straddles the traditional boundaries of naval architecture, marine engineering, offshore/ocean engineering, coastal engineering and port engineering.

"We welcome papers from authors wishing to publish their research on the design, production and operation of engineering artefacts for the maritime environment.

The Journal maintains the highest standards through their guidance as well as through scrutiny of papers by independent referees who peer-review the papers submitted for publication." Professor Ajit Shenoi - University of Southampton, UK

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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The Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment provides an international forum for engineers from a variety of disciplines with a common interest in the technology, design, production and operation of engineering artefacts for the maritime environment. The unique attributes of Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment are:

· It straddles the traditional boundaries of naval architecture, marine engineering, offshore/ocean engineering, coastal engineering and port engineering.

· Advances in new techniques involving cross-disciplinary technologies are encouraged.

· Focus on the technology and underpinning sciences that enable better understanding and utilisation of the life cycle of maritime assets (design, production, operation, disposal) in the maritime environment).

The journal addresses the engineering artefact as a system in itself and as a component or facilitator of a larger goal, i.e. the sea and cargo transport chain, the fisheries and aquaculture chain, the oil and minerals wealth exploitation chain. Individual articles should reflect the interdisciplinary nature and system engineering approach of the journal.

Specific Topics include:

· Maritime Engineering Sciences: concurrent engineering; safety; fluid dynamics; structural mechanics; martronics; materials-structure and fluid-structure interactions; powering, manoeuvring, propulsion and load response; engine research; stability; system dynamics; systems engineering; simulation, automation and control; big data

· Technologies: computation technology; design methodology; energy technologies; ;environmental mitigation technology; production technology;

· Societal issues: maritime and energy economics; maritime and energy policy; environmental engineering; human factors and ergonomics; management science; risk and safety engineering.

· Mathematical disciplines: operational research; solid/surface modelling; probability and statistics; variational calculus, bifurcations and chaos, nonlinear state space models, numerical modelling and modal updating, uncertainty modelling.

This journal is fully peer reviewed and is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Professor Yonghwan Kim Seoul National University, South Korea
Associate Editors
Weicheng Cui Westlake University, China
Selma Ergin Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Spyros Hirdaris American Bureau Shipping, USA
Wang Jin Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Yooil Kim Inha University, Korea
Hua Liu Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Gerasimos Theotokatos University of Strathclyde, UK
Founding Editor
Professor R A Shenoi University of Southampton, UK
Editorial Board
Boo -Woo Nam Seoul National University, Korea
Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud Technische Universit ä t Hamburg (TUHH), Germany
H Chung Chungnam National University, S. Korea
W-C Cui Shanghai Ocean University, China
M Duan Chiese Petroleum University, Beijing, China
C A Frangopoulos National Technical University of Athens, Greece
P Ghadimi Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran
K Iijima Osaka University, Japan
Yu Long Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Q Ma City, University of London, UK
K Maki Univesity of Michigan, USA
A Murphy Newcastle University, UK
J K Paik Pusan National University, S. Korea
A Papanikolaou National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Jonas Ringsberg Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
J Romanoff Aalto University, Finland
P K Sahoo Florida Institute of Technology, USA
T Sahoo Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
R Sharma Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Sanjay Sharma University of Plymouth, UK
C G Soares IST Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
R Sutton University of Plymouth, UK
G Theotokatos University of Strathclyde, UK
J Wang Liverpool John Moores University, UK
X Yan Wuhan University of Technology, China
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