Culture, Leadership, and Organizations
The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies
- Robert J. House - University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA
- Paul J. Hanges - University of Maryland, USA
- Mansour Javidan - Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA
- Peter W. Dorfman - New Mexico State University, USA
- Vipin Gupta - California State University, San Bernardino, USA, Simmons College, USA, Grand Valley State University & Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Fordham University, USA
GLOBE has several distinguishing features. First, it is truly a cross-cultural research program. The constructs were defined, conceptualized, and operationalized by the multicultural team of researchers. Second, the industries were selected through a polling of the country investigators, and the instruments were designed with the full participation of the researchers representing the different cultures. Finally, the data in each country were collected by investigators who were either natives of the cultures studied or had extensive knowledge and experience in that culture.
A unique feature of this book is that while it is an edited book and many experts have written the different chapters, unlike other edited books, it is a fully integrated, seamless, and cohesive book covering the many aspects of the theory underpinning the GLOBE.
"In his introduction, editor House succinctly points out that 'as economic borders come down, cultural barriers will most likely go up and present new challenges and opportunities in business.' The GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) research project scientists set out to better understand how culture influences leadership and organizational behavior by studying 62 societies over a ten-year period. These sutdies will expand readers' understanding of varying values and practices across cultures and help prepare them for functioning in a world where global collaborations have become essential to business survival. This book is itself a product of cross-cultrual collaborative efforts. The 170 social scientists and management scholars from across the world met the challenges of meshing their cultural values and practices in producing this fluid and coherent series of studies, which fit together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. This volume will be of value to those intrested in cross-cultural studies, particularly as an extension of work by Geert Hofstede (e.g., Culture's Consequences, 2nd ed., 2001) and others...Highly recommended."
"These studies will expand readers' understanding of varying values and practices acoss cultures and help prepare them for functioning in a world where global collaborations have become essential to business survival. This book is itself a product of cross-cultural collaborative efforts. The 170 social scientists and management scholars from across the world met the challenges of meshing their cultural values and practices in producing this fluid and coherent series of studies, which fir together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Summing up: Highly recommended."