Reallocating Resources
How to Boost Student Achievement Without Asking for More
- Allan Odden - University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA
- Sarah Archibald - Consortium on Policy and Research in Education
November 2000 | 120 pages | Corwin
This book tells the story of how schools can finance expensive programme needs by describing the vast array of decisions that must be made, including how to pay for new strategies.
About the Authors
Introduction: Why Reallocate Resources?
1. The Change Process
2. Defining a New Educational Strategy
3. Organizing and Staffing the School to Support the New Educational Strategy
4. Deciding How to Serve Students Who Need Extra Help
5. Paying for the Changes
6. Effects of Resource Reallocation and District Roles to Support Such Changes
Resource A: Resources on the Internet
"A fundamental resource on designing school funding allocations."
Superintendent, Sunnyvale Elementary School District, Sunnyvale CA
"Resource Reallocation focuses not only on funds, but also on staffing, use of building space and instructional time. One of the book's strengths is that it discusses resource reallocation as a key component in the larger comprehensive school improvement process and not as a separate budget preparation item. This book will provoke school leaders to reconsider how their own existing resources might be reallocated to address schoolwide improvement efforts and better student learning."
Reviewed by Ceclia Krill, Assoc. Professor of Educational Leadership, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ.