The Parallel Curriculum
A Design to Develop Learner Potential and Challenge Advanced Learners
- Carol Ann Tomlinson - University of Virginia, USA
- Sandra N. Kaplan - University of Southern California, USA
- Joseph S. Renzulli - University of Connecticut, USA
- Jeanne H. Purcell - Connecticut State Department of Education
- Jann H. Leppien - University of Great Falls
- Deborah E. Burns - Cheshire Public Schools
- Cindy A. Strickland - University of Virginia, USA
- Marcia B. Imbeau - University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Praise for the First Edition:
“This thought-provoking, creative, and inspiring book contains chapters by recognized leaders in the field. The authors offer guidelines needed for developing and implementing effective, valuable curriculum for all classrooms.”
"As a principal and instructional leader, I have learned far more about effective instruction and powerful unit and lesson design from the Parallel Curriculum Model than anything else. PCM helps teachers not only strengthen their knowledge and pedagogy, but also rediscover a passion for their discipline based on their deeper, more connected understanding. Our students think critically and deeply at a level I have never before witnessed."
"What makes this book unique is its insistence on the development of conceptual understanding of content and its focus on the abilities, interests, and learning preferences of each student. The Parallel Curriculum Model provides a path for educators to move from novice to expert."
"Offers a sophisticated yet doable model for curriculum planning. The approach honors the integrity of the disciplines while remaining responsive to the diversity of learners that teachers encounter. This book provides a practical pathway for connecting the content and the kids."
This is the most in-depth and comprehensive text on constructing challenging curriculum for all students.
My class description changed to integration of technology for gifted and this is no longer needed. Excellent resource however.